Cophysics Corporation

Providing Radiological Services to Industry, Medicine and Government for Over Thirty Years

 About CoPhysics

CoPhysics Corporation provides radiological instrumentation, laboratory analysis, site assessment, and consulting services as well as related scientific software products to industry, medicine, and government.

Radiological Services

CoPhysics offers the following services:

Sample Analysis - including gamma spectroscopy, alpha and beta spectrometry, low-level tritium counting, and gross alpha/beta counting. Media analyzed include soil, water, vegetation, bioassay, air filters, wipe tests, leak tests, and other materials. Certain in-field analyses can be provided where immediate results are desired.

Instrumentation Services - including the repair, calibration, installation, and rental of radiological instrumentation. Calibrations are performed using NIST-traceable alpha, beta, and gamma sources according to standard methodology in ANSI N323 and NCRP 122. Specialized, custom-designed instrumentation can be supplied, including miniature pipe detectors, gamma logging detectors, or truck monitors. Rentals of survey meters, liquid scintillation counters, and other instruments are available.

Radiological Consulting and Training - development of safety manuals, operating procedures, materials management programs, licenses, permits, and training programs.

Site Radiological Services

Software Products - Microsoft WindowsTM-based software is available for inventory and waste control, quality assurance, and map-based data collection (SitePad™) for area surveys.

Special Research and Development - Special projects performed by CoPhysics have resulted in new, innovative radiation detection instruments and software that have solved many clients' unique problems. We have solved problems such as alpha detection in high-beta fields, fuel detection in high gamma fields, dose-extrapolation computer algorithm, and in-situ sub-surface spectroscopic analysis. If standard methods have not been successful or cost-effective in solving your environmental data management or radiation detection problems, call CoPhysics to discuss possible solutions.

 Certifications and Licenses
Broad Scope Radioactive Materials License (Z1-98)
Health Physicists Certified by the American Board of Health Physics and the American Board of Medical Physicists
Standardization is Traceable to the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Contact Information

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CoPhysics Corporation
              1 Commercial Drive
              Suite 1, Florida, NY 10921